SAT Affirms SEBI’s Power to Lift the Corporate Veil

In an order passed yesterday in Sahara Asset Management Company P. Ltd v. Securities and Exchange Board of India, the Securities Appellate Tribunal (“SAT”) considered an appeal from an order of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (“SEBI”) in which SEBI had found that Sahara India Financial Corporation Ltd. (“Sahara Sponsor”) is not a “fit and proper” person and hence the Sahara Mutual Fund...

Holding Period and Corporate Veil in a Takeover Offer

[Guest post by Vaneesa Agrawal, who is Partner, Suvan Law Advisors. She can be reached at [email protected].] Last week Supreme Court of India issued a significant judgement in the matter of Laurel Energetics Pvt. Ltd. v. SEBI, Civil Appeal No. 5675 of 2017 on the issue of the interpretation of Regulation 10 of the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2011...

Non-Disposal Undertaking and its Reporting in the Indian Securities Market

[Guest post by Divyajyot Verma, a student at the Jindal Global Law School] Non-Disposal Undertakings (or agreements) (“NDUs”) are signed usually by the debtor in favour of the lender in relation to any loan obligation undertaken by the debtor. An NDU helps in ensuring that the debtor does not transfer the shares held by it in a company by way of outside arrangements such that the creditor is left...

Minimizing the Liability of Directors: SEBI’s Order in the Zylog Case

[Guest post by Amitabh Robin Singh, who is a corporate lawyer practising in Mumbai] Liability of directors is a sensitive topic in India, particularly for foreign investors who propose to nominate directors to the boards of their Indian investee companies. That is why clauses are inserted in shareholders’ agreements to the effect that the investor’s nominee director will not be identified...

Consolidation of Promoter Holdings: Exemptions from Takeover Offer

The SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2011 (the “Takeover Regulations”) provide for a series of exemptions involving consolidation of promoter shareholdings whereby acquirers of shares in such consolidation efforts need not make a mandatory takeover offer to acquire the shares of the remaining shareholders. Apart from specific promoter-oriented exemptions...

Promoter Exits in India: Reined by the Market Watchdog?

[Guest post by Malek Shipchandler, who practices law with a firm in Mumbai. Views are personal and do not necessarily represent those of the firm.] It was reported last week that the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is likely to relax rules pertaining to promoter reclassification in listed companies. An article co-authored by Gaurav Malhotra and I for the Oxford Business Law Blog in...

SAT Order in the Satyam Case

In July 2014, we had discussed the order of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) then passed against several members of Satyam’s senior management for their role in perpetrating the colossal financial fraud involving the company. In its order, SEBI found several individuals guilty of violating various regulations issued by SEBI, and restrained them from accessing the capital markets...

SEBI Informal Guidance: Trading Disclosures – What’s the “Value”?

[The following post is contributed by Yogesh Chande, Partner, Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co. Advocates and Solicitors. Views are personal.] The SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 (the “PIT Regulations”) prescribe certain disclosure norms relating to acquisitions and disposals of securities by insiders in companies. Specifically, regulation 7(2)(a) states that where...

Ascertaining Legal Ramifications of Compensation Agreements – Part I (Common Law Approach)

[The following post, the first in a series, is contributed by Rahul Sibal, a third year student of NALSAR Hyderabad. He analyzes possible liabilities that may arise with respect to compensation agreements from different perspectives.  He can be contacted at [email protected]. In the following post, he attempts to ascertain the liability of directors, who have entered into compensation...

The Supreme Court on the SAT’s jurisdiction over SEBI Circulars

[Guest post by Amitabh Robin Singh, who is a corporate lawyer practising in Mumbai] Last month, the Supreme Court of India (“SC“) in the case of National Securities Depository Limited v. Securities and Exchange Board of India ruled that the administrative and legislative orders made by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (“SEBI“) are not assailable before the...

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