TagMergers and Acquisitions

Competition Regulatory Framework Governing Hostile Takeovers in India

[Rajat Maloo is a III year B.A., LL.B. (Hons.) student at the National Law School of India University, Bangalore] In 2019, the L&T-Mindtree hostile takeover battle revitalised the dialogue on the market for corporate control in India, which has until date witnessed only a few hostile takeovers. Apart from the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2011 (‘Takeover...

The Impact of COVID-19 on M&A Due Diligence: The Way Forward

[Anushka Mehul Shah is a 2nd year student in the 3-year L.L.B course at the Government Law College, Mumbai] The outbreak of COVID-19 has had damaging ripple effects on mergers and acquisitions (M&A) transactions around the globe. This year, global merger activity is at $762.6 billion so far, which is not only the lowest year-to-date amount for deal making since 2013, but it also down by 33%...

COVID-19: A Material Adverse Change?

[Gaurang Mansinghka is a 4th year student at the Government Law College, Mumbai] The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted human life across the globe. Stalled economies, dwindling stock valuations, supply chain disruptions and projections by various organisations indicating a gloomy economic future show that the economic contagion is spreading as fast as the virus itself. This post attempts to answer...

Covid-19: Return of the MAC

[Sridutt Mishra is a 4th year student and Apoorva Upadhyay a 3rd year student, both at the National Law University Odisha] The fear over the spread of Covid-19 has wreaked havoc on the global economy, with initial estimates suggesting an even worse impact than the 2008 Global Financial Crisis and the Great Depression. Central banks and securities regulators across countries such as India, the...

Covid 19: Consequences on Contractual Obligations

[Meenal Maheshwari is the lead transactional counsel at Essar Group] With the pandemic that has subsumed the world, a common question that corporates are dealing with is the impact of the coronavirus epidemic on already contracted obligations. The most relevant question raise is: at what point does Covid-19 pandemic allow a party to delay performance, not perform, renegotiate the existing terms...

Takeover of Unlisted Companies: A New Route

Squeeze out of minority shareholders of companies has been a controversial area. As a co-author and I had discussed, there are a number of methods by which squeeze outs can be effected in Indian companies. By way of a recent set of notification and rule-making efforts, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has just added another method that would be applicable to unlisted companies. Among the...

The Sun Pharma Orders: NCLT Confounds the Law on Cross-Border Demergers?

[Shinoj Koshy is a partner and Mayank Labh an associate at L&L Partners. The views expressed are personal and do not constitute legal advice. An earlier post on the topic is available here.] On 19 December 2019, the Ahmedabad bench of National Company Law Tribunal (“NCLT”) passed the order in which it rejected an application made by Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited (“Sun Pharma”) for a...

NCLT Finds Cross-Border Demergers Impermissible under the Companies Act

An important question arose before the National Company Law Tribunal (NLCT), Ahmedabad bench. Are only cross-border mergers and amalgamations permitted under section 234 of the Companies Act, 2013 (the “Act”), or does the provision also encompass cross-border demergers and other similar transactions? The NCLT answered that the scope of section 234 is narrow, and covers only cross-border mergers...

Schemes of Arrangement: Setting a Date

[Rudra Shankar is a fifth-year BA LLB (Hons.) student at Symbiosis Law School, Pune] The procedure for mergers and demergers of companies in India is governed by sections 230 to 232 of the Companies Act, 2013. Companies are required to approach the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) to obtain its sanction to such schemes of arrangement before they can take effect. Section 232(6) of the Act...

Takeover Offer Price and the Valuation Conundrum

Generally, in a takeover or other form of transaction involving mergers and acquisitions (M&A), there could be broadly two types of disputes. The first type arises if the companies involved have failed to comply with the requisite procedures for undertaking the transaction, which ultimately adversely affects the interests of the shareholders. This would give rise to a cause for the...

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