The Arbitration Workshop: First Case Summary Writing Competition

[Announcement on behalf of the Arbitration Workshop]

The Arbitration Workshop announces its first Case Summary Writing Competition. The Arbitration Workshop is looking for students interested in the study of arbitration law, contracts and allied statutes to use their summarizing skills and submit a case summary on any one of the cases listed below. We would like to state that the winners of the competition may also get an opportunity to become a staff writer for The Arbitration Workshop. Hence, we want all the students to put their best foot forward and submit their thoroughly thought out, analysed and crisp case summary out of any of the cases listed below.


The prize money will be INR 1500/- for the First Place and INR 750/- for the Second Place. The winners will also get their case summary published on The Arbitration Workshop Blog.

Submission Guidelines

1.  Eligibility- All law students whether in 3-year / 5-year LLB Programme in India. (Also, students who have just graduated or about to graduate in 2020 can participate). The competition is also open to all LLM students whether in India or abroad.

2.  Word Limit – 2500 words including footnotes. Times New Roman, Font Size-12 and Spacing 1.5.

3.   Cases that you can choose from

a. AMCI (India) Pvt. Ltd. v. Fiza Developers – Judgment delivered on 18 February 2020 by the Karnataka High Court in M.F.A. No. 11155 of 2010.

b. Resurgent Power v. ABB India Limited – Judgment delivered on 6 January 2020 by the Madras High Court in O.P. No. 549 of 2019.

c.  J.K. Fenner (India) Limited v. Neyveli Lignite Corporation – Judgment delivered on 20 May 2020 by the Madras High Court in O.P. 252 of 2014.

d. MMTC v. Anglo American Coal Limited – Judgment delivered on 2 March 2020 by the Delhi High Court in FAO(OS) 532/2015.

e. V4 Infrastructure Pvt Ltd v. Jindal Biocon – Judgment delivered on 5 May 2020 by the Delhi High Court in FAO(OS)(COMM)107 &108/2018.

4. Each participant can choose more than one case to write on and send separate entries for the competition.

5. The content should be original, and plagiarism of any kind will immediately disqualify the participant.

6. The participants are encouraged to not only summarize the case but to add their own analysis as well. They can choose a structure what suits them the best but see to it that the issues discussed, and the outcome of the judgment is clearly spelt out. It is clarified that only issues relating to arbitration law, contract law, specific relief, limitation etc are to be summarised, other issues can be left out.

7.  The manuscript of the case summary is to be submitted in the Microsoft Word .doc or .docx format.

8. The first footnote of the manuscript should be on the name of the author of the manuscript and should mention a brief bio of the author including educational details and email ID for correspondence.

9. The last date for submission of the entries is 27 June 2020 at 11:59 PM.

10. All submissions shall be emailed to  [email protected] with the subject – “Submission for 1st Case Summary Writing Competition, 2020.”

11.  Kindly note that there is no registration fee for this competition. For all clarifications please contact us at [email protected].

12.  All relevant information can be found at

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