A Book from the Blog: “The Reform Decade: Corporate and Commercial Law in India”

It has been nearly two years in the making, but a book to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the IndiaCorpLaw Blog is now out. Published by the Eastern Book Company, it is titled “The Reform Decade: Corporate and Commercial Law in India”.

In this volume, we have curated and edited several blog posts in the form of articles, which we divide thematically into 11 parts. These are:

  1. Company Law
  2. Corporate Governance
  3. Securities Regulation
  4. Mergers and Acquisitions
  5. Corporate Finance and Banking
  6. Corporate Insolvency
  7. Foreign Investment
  8. Competition Law
  9. Law of Contracts, Trusts and Unjust Enrichment
  10. Taxation
  11. Dispute Resolution

While we have authored some articles, most of them have been contributed by guests, whose authorship is fully acknowledged in each article. We have obtained their permission to carry the articles in this volume. The volume features posts from 2008 until mid-2018.

For each part, we have provided a short introduction that strings together the various articles therein. The purpose of the volume is to provide the reader with a sense of the trends in legal and market reforms over the last decade. Our intention is not to provide an exhaustive or updated analysis of the law or legal developments in the fields discussed. It is rather to provide an indication of the trends in terms of legislative activity, executive intervention and enforcement and judicial decision-making. 

In putting together this volume and in managing the IndiaCorpLaw Blog, we have been fortunate to receive the support of several individuals and organisations. At the outset, we would like to thank all the contributors to this volume not only for their efforts in creating such wonderful content but also for their generosity in agreeing to include their posts on the Blog in the form of articles in this volume. We would also like to express our thanks for the several other contributors who have contributed to the Blog, even though their posts may not have been featured in this volume. Their constant inputs have kept the Blog engine running.

The Introduction to the volume is available here. Therein, we discuss the background to the Blog, the goals and scope of the volume, and acknowledge in detail the contribution of several individuals.

We hope that through the lens of this volume you enjoy the journey of analysing the legal reforms in corporate and commercial law in what was an eventful decade.

– Umakanth Varottil, Mihir Naniwadekar & V. Niranjan

About the author

Umakanth Varottil

Umakanth Varottil is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore. He specializes in corporate law and governance, mergers and acquisitions and cross-border investments. Prior to his foray into academia, Umakanth was a partner at a pre-eminent law firm in India.


    Sounds worth the efforts; to serve the seemingly intended purpose of ‘dissemination’ of the ‘KNOW OF THINGS’- – in short, the surrounding complexities trying to catch up , academically ?!

    TAIL Note: One can think of and succeed in setting/ re-setting the TIME ( clock ) by the seconds, minutes, hours and even days / months/ years shown; howewver, no guess / clue how to restore / revive the ‘LOST DECADES’ ( in the law world) to its past glory, to serve / help the humanity ‘ s survival !

    GIst: And do so, against all the ODDS contributing to the ever widening, set in a fast track, yawning GAP between ‘ANCIENT WISDOM’ and ‘modern developments’ ?!

    ‘a humble bee’ (as ever so busy but doing nothing worth a mention)

  • To ADD
    Any effort made solely but unreservedly aiming at a ‘reform’ , in our ‘legal system’ so as to bring about any improvement for THE COMMON GOOD (in its profoundly altruistic sense) could not but be most welcome. For, the so called ‘legal system’ is the very backbone of the ‘society’ . More so, if that were intended to help in eventually accomplishing the desired outcome- ‘transformation’, – though iderological and inherently elusive,- for betterment and survival of the ‘humanity’ on our planet ?!


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