[Announcement on behalf of the NLIU Law Review]
The NLIU Law Review is the flagship law journal of the National Law Institute University, Bhopal. It is a bi-annual, student-edited law journal with an aim to promote a culture of scholarly research and academic writing among students by publishing articles on subjects of interest to the legal profession and academia.
This year, the NLIU Law Review seeks to publish Volume IX Issue I. The NLIU Law Review does not restrict itself to any particular area of law and welcomes contributions from all legal branches, as long as the work is relevant, up to date and original. The Author(s) are expected to adhere to the submission guidelines mentioned below:
I. Criteria– Language, structure, contribution to existing literature, contemporary relevance, research.
II. Style Guidelines– The main body of the article is to be in the following format: Times New Roman, size-12, 1.15 line spacing, justified.
III. Citation standards – Citations must conform to standards laid down in the Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (20th ed. 2015). Submissions must use only footnotes as a form of citation. Substantive footnoting is permissible.
IV. General Guidelines– Submission must be accompanied by a covering letter including author’s name, email id, contact number and name of the Institution. The manuscript itself should not contain any information that can be used to identify the author. Submissions must only be in electronic form sent via email. All submissions must be in .docx format. Papers submitted must not be written by more than two authors. Papers must contain an abstract of 250-300 words inclusive of the world limit.
V. Types of Submissions and requirements:
Articles: (5000-10000 words)
Case Notes: (2000-5000 words)
Legislative Comment: (1000-3000 words)
Book Reviews: (1000-3000 words)
You can also visit https://nliulawreview.wordpress.com
All submissions are to be made to lawreview@nliu.ac.in before 23:59 hours, 20 July 2019.
For further details, please drop a mail at lawreview@nliu.ac.in or contact Divyam Sharma (Editor-in-Chief) at +91- 9407474939/ Saumya Agarwal (Managerial Board Head) at +91-8169328618.