[Announcement on behalf of the Law and Technology Society, National Law School of India University, Bangalore]
The Law and Technology Society and the Centre for Intellectual Property Research and Advocacy (CIPRA), National Law School of India University, Bangalore are pleased to announce the ‘The NLSIU IPR-Technology Law Essay Competition’.
This is open to all undergraduate students, postgraduate students and research scholars from all streams. We request you to please forward this to your students.
Authors can write on any one of the following topics:
- Disclosure requirements in Technical Standards ;
- Impact of 5G on IPR atmosphere;
- Smart contracts and licensing;
- Patenting AI: Legal Implications;
Registration: All interested participants must register by sending a mail to nlsiuessaysubmission@gmail.com by 10 May 2019 confirming their participation in the competition. Please mention your name, academic year/position and institution in the body of the mail. There is no registration fee for the competition.
Essay Submission: There is no hard copy submission. Soft copies of the essays are to be submitted to nlsiuessaysubmission@gmail.com only. Please mention your name, academic year/position and institution in the body of the mail. The deadline for submission is 20 May 2019, at 11:59 P.M. IST.
For further details please refer to the brochure.
A certificate of participation shall be e-mailed to all authors who have successfully submitted an essay.
1st place – Rs. 5000
2nd place – Rs. 3000
3rd place – Rs 2000
Further, the winning author(s) will be offered an internship opportunity with CIPRA. Additionally, depending upon the quality of entries, the best scoring essays will be published by CIPRA and Law and Technology Society, NLSIU in a book, with due credit given to the authors.
In case you have any queries, clarifications or requests, please contact us at lawtech@nls.ac.in.