
Call for Submissions for the 11th Volume of the Indian Journal of International Economic Law

[Announcement by the Indian Journal of International Economic Law]

The Board of Editors of the Indian Journal of International Economic Law (IJIEL) is pleased to invite original and unpublished manuscripts for publication in Volume 11. 

About the Journal

The IJIEL is a student-edited and peer-reviewed law journal published annually by National Law School of India University, Bangalore (NLSIU). The previous volume of the journal featured contributions by Prof. Raj Bhala (Rice Distinguished Professor, Associate Dean for International and Comparative Law, Kansas School of Law) and Rodrigo Polanco (Researcher, Lecturer and SNIS/SECO Project Coordinator at World Trade Institute) among several others. We have also published articles by luminaries in the field such as Faizel Ismail, Enrico Baffi, Lotta Viikari, Rafiqul Islam, G.R. Bhatia, Michelle Sanson, Jason R. Bonin, Dr. Rafael Arcas & Colin Picker; and forewords by Prof. Jagdish Bhagwati and Prof. Stephen Hobe in the past.


The Journal is an endeavour to encourage scholarship in the field of international economic law. This includes (but is not necessarily limited to) research concerning the WTO, financial institutions, regulatory subjects such as taxation and competition policy, services sectors such as banking and brokerage and international investment arbitration. Further, the Journal is oriented towards publishing academic work that considers the aforementioned issues from a comparative perspective and/or the perspective of the developing world and Global South nations. 

The purpose of IJIEL is to promote academia in the niche area of international economic law and allow scholars and researchers to engage with the myriad facets of this field. The eleventh volume will be a general issue with a mandate that includes (but is not necessarily limited to research concerning the WTO, financial institutions, regulatory subjects such as taxation and competition policy, services sectors such as banking and brokerage and international investment arbitration. Our mandate also includes an emphasis on law and development within the Global South nations.

Submission Categories

  1. Articles (5000 to 10000 words, exclusive of footnotes) – Papers that comprehensively analyse a theme and engage with all the existing literature on it.
  2. Essays (3000 to 5000 words, exclusive of footnotes) – Papers that concisely analyse specific contemporary issues in international economic law.
  3. Case notes and/or Legislative Commentaries (2000 to 7000 words, exclusive of footnotes).

Guidelines for Submissions

  1. The Journal reviews submissions on a rolling basis. The deadline for sending submissions for the forthcoming volume is March 31, 2019.
  2. Submissions must be made in electronic form to under the subject heading ‘IJIEL Vol. 11 Submission: <submission Category>.
  3. All submissions must be in MS Word format (.doc) or (.docx), with Times New Roman font (Main text: size 12 and double spaced, footnotes: size 10 and single-spaced).
  4. All manuscripts must be accompanied by a covering letter with the name(s) of the author(s), institution/affiliation, the title of the manuscript and contact information.
  5. An abstract of not more than 200 words shall be provided.
  6. Co – authorship (upto 3 authors) is permitted.
  7. No biographical information or references, including the name(s) of the author(s), affiliation(s) and acknowledgements should be included in the text of the manuscript, file name or document properties. All such information may be incorporated in the covering letter accompanying the manuscripts.
  8. The IJIEL uses only footnotes (and not endnotes) as a method of citation. Submissions must conform to the Bluebook.

For any clarifications, please contact us at

Tanvee Kanaujia                                                                                     Sushmita Som

(Chief Editor)                                                                                      (Deputy Chief Editor)