
Call For Papers 2016: Centre For Corporate Research Law Journal

[The following announcement
is posted on behalf of the Centre for Corporate Research Law Journal published
by the Institute of Law, Nirma University]


for Corporate Research Law Journal (CCRLJ), ISSN
an open access, annual, peer reviewed
Institute of Law, Nirma University.
The intricacies of corporate world have grown manifold times with the
developments taking place every hour at the national and international level.
The globalization web requires corporate businesses to not just be limited to
Company and its allied laws, rather have a holistic understanding from
environmental, social and cultural level as well. The Centre has taken up
several initiatives in the form of publications, debates and regular
interactions to keep pace with this dynamic era.

The Centre is proud to
announce the launch of third issue of its Journal on Corporate Law.
The multidimensional policies, tactics and
amendments changing the global market have impacted India.
The journal thus provides a platform to academicians, practitioners, researchers,
students and other stakeholders in the field to deliberate upon the recent
developments in the corporate world.

The Centre invites
Articles, Short Notes, Book Reviews and Case Commentaries to delve deep into
different perspectives and critically analyze the current policies along with
suggesting valuable, rational, legal ideas. The theme of the write-ups has been
kept open for free flow of intellectual ideas relating to the business arena.


Private Equity & Venture Capital Forum

Note: The Authors are free to
choose any specific sub-theme out of the broad theme. However, articles
discussing the contemporary issues will be given preference over others.

Submission Guidelines

– Manuscripts
should be in pt. 12, Times New Roman, 1.5 Line Spacing.

– The
footnotes should be in pt. 10, Times New Roman, Single Line Spacing.

– Only footnotes (and not
end-notes) should be used as a method of citation.

– Submissions must conform
to the Bluebook (19th edition) system of citation.

– Submissions
should be sent as attachments in
MS Word format (.doc) or (.docx) only.

All the word
limits are exclusive of footnotes.

– Articles-
4000-6000 words accompanied by an abstract of around 200-300 words.

– Short
Notes- 2000-3000 words.

– Book
Reviews- 2000- 2500 words accompanied by an abstract of not more than 200

– Case
Commentaries- 2000-3000 words

The author(s) should
strictly adhere to the word limit as prescribed in the guidelines. However, if
the submissions made are of exceptional quality then the Editorial Board
reserves the right to accept such submissions in exception to the prescribed
word limit. Also,
co-authorship (however, not more than 2 authors per
piece) is permitted.

Evaluation / Review Process

The  contributions  submitted 
towards  publication  in  the  Law 
Review  must  not 
have  been previously published or
currently submitted for publication elsewhere. The contributions shall be
evaluated on the basis of originality, innovativeness, clarity and technical
correctness. Authors shall solely be responsible for the accuracy of statements
in the article. Any unacknowledged reference in the contribution shall amount
to plagiarism and would lead to outright rejection.

Cover Letter

The cover letter
shall contain full name of the author(s), university affiliation, contact
details, title and category of the submission.
No biographical
information or references, including the name(s) of the author(s),
affiliation(s) and acknowledgements should be included in the text of the
manuscript, file name or document properties. The same must be mentioned only
in the cover letter.


The contributions presented to and accepted for publication
and the copyrights therein shall be the  
intellectual   property   of   the   Centre
for Corporate law Studies, Institute of Law, Nirma University, Ahmedabad.


Authors submitting articles/papers/cases for  publication 
warrant  that  the 
work  is  not 
an  infringement  of 
any  existing  copyright, infringement  of 
proprietary  right,  invasion 
of  privacy,  or 
libel  and  will 
indemnify, defend,  and hold the
Journal or  sponsor(s)  harmless 
from  any  damages, 
expenses,  and  costs 
against  any breach  of 
such  warranty. 


Original, unpublished papers should be mailed to:

Contact: +91 7600377946,
+91 8238423717, +91 9537470564

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: 30th January 2017

Notifications to Authors: 20th February 2017

Final Manuscript: within 1 week of Notification

Publication: First week of March