[The following
announcement is posted on behalf of the Law and Technology Society at the National
Law School of India University, Bangalore]
announcement is posted on behalf of the Law and Technology Society at the National
Law School of India University, Bangalore]
The Law and Technology Society is proud to present
the 4th edition of ‘NLS Law and
Technology Legislative Analysis Competition, 2015-16’. This
National level competition aims to continue the effort to involve students in
research and analysis on pending bills that blur the interface
between law and technology. Considering the large number of entries received in
our last three editions from law institutions across the country, we hope to
expand our outreach even further this year.
the 4th edition of ‘NLS Law and
Technology Legislative Analysis Competition, 2015-16’. This
National level competition aims to continue the effort to involve students in
research and analysis on pending bills that blur the interface
between law and technology. Considering the large number of entries received in
our last three editions from law institutions across the country, we hope to
expand our outreach even further this year.
The two bills selected for consideration in this
edition are:
edition are:
a) The Draft
Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisements and
Regulation of Trade and Commerce, Production, Supply and Distribution)
(Amendment) Bill, 2015
Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisements and
Regulation of Trade and Commerce, Production, Supply and Distribution)
(Amendment) Bill, 2015
b) The Draft Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Bill, 2014
The deadline for the submission of the paper is 5:00
PM on March 12, 2016. Those students whose entries are adjudged as best by
our panel of judges, would be offered an opportunity to intern with Centre
for Law and Policy Research (http://clpr.org.in/) and PRS Legislative Research
Organization (http://www.prsindia.org/aboutus/objectives/). The
best submission would also be considered for publication in the Indian Journal
of Law and Technology. Furthermore, prize money worth Rs.5000/- for the best
submission on each Bill would be awarded.
PM on March 12, 2016. Those students whose entries are adjudged as best by
our panel of judges, would be offered an opportunity to intern with Centre
for Law and Policy Research (http://clpr.org.in/) and PRS Legislative Research
Organization (http://www.prsindia.org/aboutus/objectives/). The
best submission would also be considered for publication in the Indian Journal
of Law and Technology. Furthermore, prize money worth Rs.5000/- for the best
submission on each Bill would be awarded.
Further details of the Competition and rules are
hereby attached. Send in your queries at ltech.nls@gmail.com.
hereby attached. Send in your queries at ltech.nls@gmail.com.
For any further clarifications, contact:
Garima Singh: (Ph: +91-9844943787)
Ashok (Ph: +81-8095502428)
Ashok (Ph: +81-8095502428)