
Integrated Form for Company Incorporation

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs
(MCA) has with effect from today prescribed a new Form INC-29 for incorporation
of companies, and it integrates several requirements that were earlier required
to be filed separately. The integrated form as well as an instruction kit can
be accessed on MCA’s website (here).

The purpose for the form has been
stated as follows:

EForm INC-29 deals
with the single application for reservation of name, incorporation of a new
company and/or application for allotment of DIN. This eForm is accompanied by
supporting documents including details of Directors & subscribers, MoA and
AoA etc. Once the eForm is processed and found complete, company would
registered and CIN would be allocated. Also DINs gets issued to the proposed
Directors who do not have a valid DIN. Maximum three Directors are allowed for
using this integrated form for allotment of DIN while incorporating a company.

This development is expected to
considerably speed up the process for incorporation of companies, and generally
enhance the ease of doing business in India.

In a similar vein, is has been
reported that the Cabinet has approved amendments to the Companies (Amendment)
Bill, 2014 to ease certain formalities for incorporation (here
and here).

Update – May 4, 2015: The
Companies (Incorporation) Amendment Rules, 2015, which introduce the new forms
are available here.