The Companies (Amendment) Bill was passed
by the Rajya Sabha earlier this month. We had discussed
the broad nature of the changes introduced.
by the Rajya Sabha earlier this month. We had discussed
the broad nature of the changes introduced.
Now, the amendment has become law
in the form of the Companies
(Amendment) Act, 2015 as it has received the assent of the President and
has been notified in the Official Gazette .
in the form of the Companies
(Amendment) Act, 2015 as it has received the assent of the President and
has been notified in the Official Gazette .
Update – May 29, 2015: As some of you have pointed out in the comments, the notification states that the Act has been “published for general information”. Moreover, section 1(2) provides that it shall come into effect on a date or dates appointed by the Central Government.
Update – June 3, 2015: The Central Government has notified May 29, 2015 as the date on which the provisions of sections 1 to 12 and 15 to 23 of the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2015 shall come into force. The notification is available here.
(Hat tip: Abhishek Dubey)