[The following announcement is being posted on behalf of NUJS Law
The Copyright Amendment Act, 2012 recently passed by both houses of
parliament promises to thoroughly revise the laws currently governing the
Indian Copyright regime. This legislative moment provides an appropriate
opportunity for academic reflection on the proposed changes, their probable
impact and a holistic appraisal of the provisions as they now stand.
parliament promises to thoroughly revise the laws currently governing the
Indian Copyright regime. This legislative moment provides an appropriate
opportunity for academic reflection on the proposed changes, their probable
impact and a holistic appraisal of the provisions as they now stand.
The Editorial Board
of the NUJS Law Review invites contributions for its forthcoming special issue
on “The Copyright Amendment Act,
2012: Welcome change or missed opportunity?”. Interested contributors
should submit their respective entries no later than 15 November, 2012 to nujslr@gmail.com.