
FCEB Taxation

In an earlier post on this blog, we analysed foreign currency convertible bonds (FCEBs). Although there was nothing on this count in the Finance Minister’s budget speech, the Finance Bill contains provisions clarifying the taxation position on FCEBs and the shares that arise out of conversion.
Today’s Hindu Business Line carries an article describing the Finance Bill provisions on FCEBs.

Budget Impact

This year’s budget, termed by the media as a populist one, has received mixed reactions from the corporate sector. At the same time, it has not gone well with the stock markets, which fell following the budget announcements. The entire set of budget materials is available here. Now, we look at some of the key implications of the budget on the corporate sector as well as financial markets:...

Taxation Issues in Short Selling

An earlier post on this blog had discussed the introduction of short selling in the Indian market and its implications on the market. Today’s Hindu Business Line has an article that refers to lack of clarify in the taxation regime with respect to short sales. Obviously, there seem to be several loose ends to tie, and the authors hope that the forthcoming Budget and the Central Bureau of Direct...

Tax Benefits for REITs Likely

An earlier post on this blog had stated that the success of REITs in India would depend upon the availability of tax benefits to the REIT vehicle in the form of a tax pass-through. The Economic Times reports that SEBI has made out a case to the Government seeking that REITs be taxed in the same manner as mutual funds. The news report states: “The income-tax law now provides for a pass-through...

Indo-Mauritius Tax Treaty: Benefits to Stay

Indications are that the Double Taxation Avoidance Treaty between India and Mauritius will stay despite pressure from the Indian tax authorities. In fact, the Treaty may be strengthened to withstand repeated scrutiny from the Indian tax authorities. The Economic Times reports: “The controversial double tax avoidance treaty between India and Mauritius is likely to survive despite pressure from the...

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