
Dismissal of Suit Against Satyam Directors

Last week, there was coverage in the financial press about the dismissal of a securities law suit by a New York court against the independent directors of Satyam. Now, a copy of the order dated January 2, 2013 issued by Judge Barbara Jones of the Southern District of New York is available through D&O Diary, which also carries a detailed analysis of the opinion. The shareholder suits failed on...

Exclusion of Jurisdiction of Civil Courts under the SEBI Act

Legally India has made available certain expert witness statements filed before US Courts in the class action litigation concerning Satyam, which was recently settled. One of the witness statements, by Mr. Sandeep Parekh, makes an interesting point; but I am not entirely sure of the tenability in law of that point. Mr. Parekh’s declaration / statement as an expert witness is available here...

Fraud and the amendment of a section 34 application

In an important fallout of the Satyam controversy, the Supreme Court, earlier this month, reiterated the law on the amendment of section 34 applications, and also clarified the kinds of fraud that would justify the setting aside of arbitral awards on grounds of public policy. After the fraud perpetrated Mr. Raju, Venture Global sought to amend its section 34 and bring the facts about the...

Reactions to the Satyam Sale

The swiftness with which the sale of Satyam was effected has made headlines (please see links below). At stake were not only the interests of the company and its stakeholders (including shareholders, employees, customer, and so on) but also the credibility of India as an investment destination (particularly in the IT sector). These interests can largely be said to have been preserved (without...

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