TagMergers and Acquisitions

Outbound FDI and M&A

The Reserve Bank of India has published a paper/address titled “Outward Indian FDI – Recent Trends & Emerging Issues” that examines various regulatory aspects of outbound FDI by Indian companies. It considers various business aspects and comments upon regulatory issues and concerns. The latest issue of The Economist also looks at outbound M&A from India, and analyzes the level of success...

Amendments to the Merger Regulations

(The following post has been contributed by Rahul Singh, Assistant Professor of Law, National Law School, Bangalore (on leave) and Senior Associate, Trilegal) We live in interesting times where the Minister for Corporate Affairs (Indian competition authority’s administrative Ministry) speaks about helping Kingfisher Airlines and slaying the dragon of runaway inflation through the so-called second...

Calcutta High Court: Stamp Duty on Mergers/Demergers

We have earlier discussed the peculiar issues that have arisen on whether schemes of arrangement in the form of mergers and demergers are liable to stamp duty in states where the Indian Stamp Act applies or where there is no specific entry for levying stamp duty on such transactions. In relation to several states such as Delhi, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh, the relevant High Courts have held that...

Minority Shareholder Protection in M&A

The Economic Times examines a recent trend whereby companies have preferred asset sales or business sales (also known as “slump sales”, an expression that bears uniqueness to India, as I am yet to come across that expression elsewhere) over takeovers thereby shortchanging minority shareholders of the seller companies. The argument goes: by structuring the deal as a business sale, all that is...

Companies Bill, 2011: Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring

The provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, specifically sections 391 to 394, contain an elaborate framework that enable companies to give effect to arrangements and compromises with their shareholders and creditors. The expression “arrangement” has interpreted to include a wide range of transactions, such as mergers, demergers and other forms of corporate restructuring (including debt...

SEBI’s FAQs on Takeover Regulations

SEBI recently put out a set of FAQs relating to the Takeover Regulations, 2011 that came into effect on October 22, 2011. While a substantial part of the FAQs relate to either explanation of matters or elaboration of certain aspects of process and mechanics, they also address substantive issues on a few counts. We had earlier discussed the issue as to whether hostile takeovers are permissible...

Supreme Court’s Silence on “Control” Under the Takeover Regulations

Early last year, the Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) had passed an order in the Subhkam case holding that protective provisions in shareholders’ agreements (such as affirmative rights) adopted by investors do not amount to “control” for purposes of the SEBI Takeover Regulations. Although SEBI had initiated an appeal before the Supreme Court, the matter has now been disposed off by the Supreme...

Hostile Takeovers under the New Code

The new SEBI Takeover Code is set to come into force on October 22, 2011. One of the issues that has received great attention is the ability (or otherwise) of acquirers to carry out a hostile acquisition of an Indian listed company under the new Code. A recent press report has the background. As far as the Takeover Code of 1997 is concerned, we have previously seen (here and here) that the...

New Takeover Regulations Notified

In July this year, SEBI accepted most of the recommendations of the Takeover Regulations Advisory Committee (TRAC). The key changes have been listed here. Yesterday, SEBI formally notified the new version in the form of the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2011 that will come into effect on the 30th day from its publication in the Official Gazette. SEBI has also...

No Takers for Takeover Offers

Historically, the response of public shareholders to takeover offers in Indian companies has been lukewarm. This is primarily due to the fact that the market price of the company’s shares following the takeover announcement tends to be higher than the offer price. However, a report in the Business Line contains a study of recent offers indicating that shareholders who did not exit in the offers...

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