TagIndependent Directors

Independent Directors under the Companies Bill, 2009

The report of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance (SCF) pays significant attention to the role of independent directors on Indian companies (particularly the listed ones). While it is not doubted that the existing system of independent directors requires further review and strengthening, the SCF’s recommendations seem to go the other extreme in advocating a process which amounts to...

Academic Literature on Independent Directors in India

Events in Indian corporate governance that occurred starting January 2009 have spurred academic research on the role and effect of independent directors on corporate boards. While some findings indicate an important role for such directors on Indian companies, others are not so optimistic and call for greater reform of that institution. The purpose of this post is to point to some of the...

Government’s ‘Independent’ Directors

With the U.S. Government controlling various companies now, it is in the process of revamping the boards of directors of such companies. The obvious question relates to the role that the Government would take in the management of the companies, and particularly in the selection of their directors. In an op-ed column in the New York Times (NYT), Professors Gilson and Kraakman suggest the idea of a...

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