TagFinancial Markets

Bulk Deals and Order Matching

The availability of income tax exemptions (on long term capital gains) for share transactions that are executed through stock exchanges have caused otherwise negotiated share sale and purchase deals to be implemented through the stock exchange mechanism. This would require parties to bear only the securities transaction tax (STT) at rates which are negligible compared to the erstwhile capital...

Some Lessons from Bear Stearns

The New York Times DealProfessor has a column Burying Bear Stearns that highlights the takeaways from the Bear Stearns saga, which incidentally are matters we often endeavour to stress on this blog. They are:
– Moral hazard– Systemic risk– Corporate governance

Regulating Hedge Funds

I have uploaded an abstract of a working paper titled Analysing India’s Approach to Hedge Fund Regulation on SSRN, which is reproduced below: “Hedge funds tend to employ aggressive investment strategies, and they highly leverage their funds. While hedge funds infuse liquidity into the financial markets and enhance market efficiency, they also engage in complex financial transactions that...

Disclosures in Complex Transactions

With increasing complexity in transactions entered into by companies, especially in the financial sector, there is the lingering question of how these transactions are to be meaningfully disclosed to shareholders of the companies so as to enable them to take an investment decision (such as to buy, sell, hold, etc.). The trouble here is that institutional investors themselves are unable to...

Role of Law and Politics in India’s Economic Growth

There is a recent paper titled “Law, Finance, and Politics: The Case of India” by John Armour and Priya Lele that has been posted on SSRN. The authors join the debate as to whether a country’s legal origins (e.g. common law or civil law) necessarily have an impact on the extent of its financial development, and in doing so, they examine India as a case study. The authors find that in India’s...

More on the Indian Derivatives Saga

While the legalities of several derivative transactions entered into between banks and corporates are pending consideration of courts, it appears that these matters have ended up in court in the first place because of unexpected market movements over the last few months which defied all prior indications and past market history. Livemint has a detailed analysis by Niranjan Rajadhyaksha who...

Accounting for Derivatives Exposure

A recent announcement by the Institute of Chartered Accounts of India (ICAI) has added to the imbroglio over derivatives. Accounting Standard 30 (AS30) that deals with accounting for derivatives was to become mandatory with effect from April 1, 2011. However, the ICAI in an emergent decision has called for an early adoption of AS30 for financial statements as on March 31, 2008. Corporates not...

Improving Stock Sales Practices of Intermediaries

Stock intermediaries around the world, such as brokers and sub-brokers, who recommend and sell securities to clients, are regulated by the securities regulatory agencies of the countries where they operate as well as the stock exchanges of which they are members. However, the stock intermediation industry has been facing several problems over the years on account of inappropriate business...

Inadequacies of the FII Regime

One of our guest contributors, Somasekhar Sundaresan, has a well-argued column in the Business Standard in which he calls for an overhaul of the regulations that govern foreign institutional investors (FIIs) in India. Here it is: The regulatory regime for foreign institutional investors (FIIs) is the Indian capital market’s window to the outside world which often gives the first impression of how...

Trading in Futures – Financial Instruments of Mass Destruction?

The exposure of Indian corporates and banks to derivatives has been receiving a lot of attention lately. For example, see LiveMint (here and here), Financial Express and Economic Times. But, what are some of the key legal considerations that arise in the case of derivative transactions? To examine those, we have a guest contribution. Image: Wikimedia CommonsThe following post has been contributed...

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