TagCompanies Act

Companies Act, 2013: Directors’ Duties and Liabilities

The NSE Centre for Excellence in Corporate Governance (CECG) has issued its most recent quarterly briefing titled “Directors’ Duties and Liabilities in the New Era”. The executive summary is as follows: – Since directors and the board play a pivotal role in corporate governance, the law foists duties and liabilities on them; – The Companies Act, 2013 has brought about a paradigm shift...

Guest Post: MCA Takes Lawmaking Into Its Own Hands

[The following is a guest post from Vinod Kothari of Vinod Kothari & Co. He can be contacted at [email protected]] If the Ministry of Corporate Affairs’ (MCA) recent rules, that came a bit too many over a day too less, to replace  the nearly 60-year old Companies Act 1956 by the Companies Act, 2013, ultimately survive challenge on constitutional grounds, then we may permanently...

Guest Post: Regulations by SEBI under the Companies Act, 2013 for Promoter Acquisitions

[The following post is contributed by Yogesh Chande, who is a Consultant with Economic Laws Practice, Advocates & Solicitors. Views of the author are personal] In terms of section 13(8) of the Companies Act, 2013 (Act), a company, which has raised money from public through prospectus and has any unutilised amount out of the money so raised, is not permitted to change its objects for which it...

Further Provisions of Companies Act, 2013 Notified

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs today issued a notification that brings into effect several provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 with effect from April 1, 2014. These include several substantive provisions that would affect the manner in which companies are managed. A quick review of the notification suggests that the key provisions yet to be brought into force involve the National Company Law...

Guest Post: Directorship in a Company: Cap of Thorns

[The following post is contributed by Nidhi Bothra and Abhirup Ghosh at Vinod Kothari & Co. They can be contacted at [email protected] and [email protected] respectively] The Companies Act, 2013 (CA, 2013) brings about a sea change in the way the charter guiding corporate India will look like. The existing Act of 1956 has been the guiding force for nearly 60 years now but the...

Does section 185 apply to holding-subsidiary transactions?

The following post is contributed by Vinod Kothari of Vinod Kothari & Co. He may be contacted at [email protected] This follows a previous post on this topic by Jayant Thakur] Does section 185 apply to transactions of loans, guarantees or provision of security, in holding-subsidiary financial transactions? This question is evidently one of the most significant questions facing the...

An Instance of Shareholder Activism

A lot has already been said about shareholder activism in India, and how the concept has acquired a strong footing more recently. Shareholder activism may take on different forms. Shareholders may simply dump the stock of companies they believe are not being governed in the desired manner to protect investors (a.k.a. the “Wall Street walk”). They may engage with managements to influence decision...

CSR Provisions Soon to be Effective

The provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and the rules thereon pertaining to corporate social responsibility (CSR) have been notified yesterday. They will take effect from April 1, 2014. A copy of the rules as notified is available here. As for the specific CSR activities, Schedule VII of the Companies Act containing the list of permitted activities has been amended. While we will have occasion...

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