TagCapital Markets

Simplifying Corporate Bond Issuances

Continuing with the spate of regulatory announcements by SEBI over the turn of the new year, it yesterday issued a press release proposing simplification of the primary issuance process for corporate bonds. It has released a consultative paper on the “Draft SEBI (Issue and Listing of Debt Securities) Regulations, 2008” for comment until January 23, 2008. The paper aims at simplification of the...

Participatory Notes: Regulating Complex Financial Instruments

Today’s Mint carries a column by Niranjan Rajadhyaksha that deals with the issues relating to regulation of complex financial instruments such as participatory notes that are held by investors like hedge funds. Referring to the classic debate between public regulation and market regulation, he states: “Regulators have two options: to demand more clarity on what is going on or to clamp down on...

Expanding Investment Horizons for Trusts

Historically, investment avenues for funds held by trusts have been limited. This is on account of Section 20 of the Indian Trust Act, 1882 which contains very specific instruments in which trusts can invest. These are in the nature of risk-free instruments such as government securities, bank deposits and the like, and does not include risk instruments such as stocks and derivatives. Of course...

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